Howdy, iam Florencio Hemming, Hope you’re having a great week!

What Is A Difference Of Kinesin And Myosin Systems? [Solved]

The main difference between kinesin and myosin is that the kinesin moves on microtubules while the myosin moves on microfilaments. Furthermore, kinesin, along with dynein, especially form the mitotic spindle while myosin forms both the cytoskeleton and the contractile filaments of the muscle cells.18 Nov 2018

Motor proteins - dynein, kinesin, myosin

This cytoskeleton lecture explains about motor proteins and function of motor proteins like

What is Kinesin? Ron Vale Explains

Ron Vale explains the inner workings of the motor protein called

033-Kinesin Structure & Function

Detailed discussion of the structure and mechanism of