Hola, iam Floyd Hartwell, Have an awesome day!

What Is A Laser Turret? [Solved]

A laser turret was a turret-mounted laser weapon equipped on certain types of attack vehicles, both ground-based attackers and starfighters. Imperial Troop Transports featured dorsal twin laser turrets. The KX4 dorsal laser turret was a specialized type of laser turret made by Taim & Bak.

DIY Laser Turret | Part 1 The Hardware

Part 2 Coming soon, will show the software needed to make the

Arduino and Servos: How to Make a Laser Turret with XOD

#Arduino #Engineering #

Making a Motion Detecting Laser Turret

GitHub repo: https://github.com/ThomasLynn/Raspberry-Pi-Networked-Servos