Greetings, iam Jerry Saldana, I hope your day goes well.

What Is A Reasonable Weight To Carry? [Solved]

As this shows, a 25 kg load being manually handled is considered to be a safe upper limit for the average man and 16 kg for the average woman. It’s important to note, however, that this is only if the person carrying the load can keep it at knuckle height and close to their body.29 Oct 2021

How Do I Choose The Right Weight? (LIFT RESPONSIBLY)

A question we’re asked often at Mind Pump is, “How Do I Choose The Right

How to Travel with Overweight Carry On Luggage

apologies for the sometimes schitty audio quality in this video. In hindsight I probably should’ve laved up in certain rooms but alas, …

Carry Opponents Weight In Your Heels

For more SBG International BJJ and MMA instructional videos check: Also, check the BJJ Q&A with …