Hola, iam Katherine Quimby, I hope your day goes well.

What Is A Viper Bite Piercing? [Solved]

What is a snakebite piercing? A snakebite piercing consists of two piercings on your lower lip, placed near the corners of your mouth. It gets its name from the badass visual effect it creates, similar to having snake fangs. Some snakebites use rings, others use labret studs.27 Jun 2021

The Whole Truth - Snake Bites

Everything you need to know about the

Snake Bite Piercings Pros & Cons by a Piercer EP 38


5 Snakebite Piercing Lessons I learned that you should know about before getting them.

Hey! This video is about the important mistakes I made that I learned from in the 10 years I’ve had my