Sup, iam Brittany Mims, I hope you have the best day today.

What Is Celo Cross Chain Optics Bridge? [Solved]

As the cross-chain bridge protocol led by Celo, Optics (contract address: 0x6a39909e805A3eaDd2b61fFf61147796ca6aBB47) is the main channel for the current capital to flow into Celo from the external ecosystem. Problems with this bridge will undoubtedly affect the capital circulation of the entire Celo ecosystem.24 Nov 2021

Optics and the Journey of the cross-chain message @ The Cross Chain Salon


Observing Optics Workshop - League of Bridges, Cross Chain Salon at EthCC Paris by Celo

Conner Swann walks through a high-level deployment process, slash observability system with

How to build xApps - League of Bridges, Cross Chain Salon Workshop brought to you by Celo

Anna Carroll from the