Namaste, iam Conrad Godinez, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.

What Is Colonia Elite Dangerous? [Solved]

Colonia is an Independent system in the Colonia Region within the Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm. It is approximately 22,000 light years away from the Core Systems, and for a time was the most remote inhabited star system from Sol.

Elite Dangerous - The Story of Colonia - Worth a Visit?

I take a trip around

Elite Dangerous: Guide to Colonia, part 1

Part one of three… maybe four. Enjoy. Thanks to

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, 10 reasons why Colonia is better than Bubble

Not completely happy with it, but I’ve got no time to polish it - P2A Expedition is starting today and I’m not missing it! also this video …