Sup, iam Guadalupe Kissee, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.

What Is Considered Skinny For A Woman? [Solved]

Women with a BMI of less than 18.5 are considered underweight. The average woman’s height is 5 feet, 4 inches. If you weigh 107 pounds or less at this height, you are considered underweight with a BMI of 18.4. A healthy weight range for that woman would be 108 to 145 pounds.17 Feb 2021

Women try guessing each other’s weight | A social experiment

This video isn’t like anything I have EVER done before, and it all started with a few questions I had. Why do we allow our weight to …

Are You Considered Fat In China? | ASIAN BOSS

Special thanks to Roger, Julian and Juijiu. Kei (presenter) on Instagram ▻ We believe that …

Do Women Like Skinny Guys?

Coach Corey Wayne discusses why you should not let fears or insecurities of your own body or looks deter you from asking out …