Hello, iam Georgia Barrera, Hope you’re doing well!

What Is Enthalpy In Chemistry For Kids? [Solved]

Enthalpy is a measure of heat in the system. They use the formula H = U + PV. H is the enthalpy value, U is the amount of internal energy, and P and V are pressure and volume of the system.

Enthalpy: Crash Course Chemistry #18

Energy is like the bestest best friend ever and yet, most of the time we take it for granted. Hank feels bad for our friend and wants …

Thermochemistry: Heat and Enthalpy

What is heat? It’s not just a movie with Pacino and DeNiro. Learn all about heat, and more importantly,

What triggers a chemical reaction? - Kareem Jarrah

Chemicals are in everything we see, and the reactions between them can look like anything from rust on a spoon to an explosion …