Hello, iam Dennis Kester, Buongiorno.

What Is First Law Of Thermodynamics For Isobaric Process? [Solved]

First Law of Thermodynamics in Isobaric Process (at constant volume dV = 0, therefore W=0, from the first law of thermodynamics ΔQ = ΔU or heat supplied at constant volume = change in its internal energy). So, dU = (dQ)v.

First Law of Thermodynamics - Isobaric Process

First Law of Thermodynamics

11.17 Application of First(1st) law of Thermodynamics | Isobaric Process | Curve of Isobaric Process

As a thermal

First law of Thermodynamics and Thermodynamics of Isothermal, Adiabatic, Isobaric, Isochoric process

The present video by Prof. Ravikiran Late discusses