Greetings, iam Alton Breheny, Take it easy.

What Is Habituation And Adaptation? [Solved]

Habituation, or decreased behavioral response, to odors is created by repeated exposure and several detailed characteristics, whereas adaptation relates to the neural processes that constitute this decrease in a behavioral response.1 Aug 2017

Sensory Adaptation v Habituation

Comparing and contrasting the two concepts. +Kamal Hamid was correct. Thanks for pointing that out. With sensory

What is Habituation? How We Learn

In this video, we start our series of videos on how we learn. After defining learning, we discuss the most basic form of learning: …

2015 MCAT Psychology (6) - Sensory Adaptation & Habituation

Email me at if you are interested in additional study materials/tips/tricks for the MCAT or if you have any …