Namaste, iam Sharon Laigle, Don’t miss me too much.

What Is Involved In Replacing A Crown? [Solved]

The teeth will be cleaned to remove debris and decay. A root canal procedure may be done to remove the decay. An impression of your teeth is taken again to make the crowns. This takes about four weeks, in the meantime, your teeth will be covered with temporary crowns.1 Mar 2021

Replacing PFM Crowns on Teeth 8 & 9 with BruxZir Solid Zirconia Crowns

BruxZir Solid Zirconia was first launched as a more durable, more esthetic alternative to posterior metal occlusal PFMs and …

Replacing Crowns on Teeth #7-10 With BruxZir® Anterior

In this clinical presentation, Dr. Abai walks us through a case performed by Dr. Anamaria Muresan. Dr. Muresan is

Quick Tip: When to Replace the Crown after Endo

When to